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Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14

Children's Church


After the first part of our worship service the children are dismissed to Children's Church. During Children's Church we have a lesson about living for Jesus along with an activity that goes with the lesson. In the fall we start practicing for the Christmas musical which is always a highlight of the year. Once a year (normally the end of January or beginning of February) we have a group Birthday Party. In August we have a Back to School Party. One Sunday a month the kids participate in the regular worship service. We have a fun time in Children's Church!!!

Van/Bus Ministry


We pick up children and teens throughtout the city of Lebanon on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. If your children and teens are interested in joining us please call and we will add them to our route. 


Children's Ministry


The youth at the church minister to us whenever we are together.  However, there are also special events in which the church family that bring even greater joy to our hearts.  These include District Talent, Christmas programs, and VBS.  We have a varity of programs that minister to our young people and more in the works to come.   Our children are our future and they bring a very special treasure in the present.

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